Accomplished Law Firm In Clinton, Sedalia, And Warsaw, Missouri

What should you know about spinal cord injuries?

On Behalf of | Jul 28, 2024 | Head, Neck, Spine and Back Injuries |

A car crash is a devastating event that can result in significant effects on a victim’s life. This is particularly true if the person suffers a catastrophic injury, such as a spinal cord injury (SCI).

An SCI is especially troublesome because of the potential of long-term life challenges that can occur as a result of this type of injury. In some cases, a victim will need lifelong medical and personal care because of their harm.

Immediate effects

One of the first things to be aware of following an SCI is spinal shock. This condition can occur immediately after the injury and is characterized by a temporary loss of all reflexes below the level of the injury. Spinal shock can last from several hours to weeks, during which time the full extent of the injury might not be clear. As spinal shock subsides, some functions may return, but others may remain impaired.

Recognizing symptoms

Damage to the spinal cord will often result in a loss of sensation. Many of these injuries can also lead to a loss of movement in the affected area. The symptoms a victim of an SCI experiences will always be below the spot on the spinal cord that suffered the damage. This means that higher injuries will have more impacts than lower ones.

Long-term effects

SCIs can produce long-term effects. These are significant and will often affect various areas of the victim’s life. Some possible long-term effects include:

  • Paralysis: Paralysis can affect a single limb or multiple limbs.
  • Chronic pain: Persistent pain is common and can be debilitating.
  • Respiratory issues: Higher-level injuries can affect the ability to breathe independently.
  • Circulatory problems: Poor blood flow and low blood pressure can occur, increasing the risk of blood clots.
  • Muscle atrophy: Lack of movement can lead to the wasting away of muscles.

Another significant challenge is the mental changes that may occur as a result of these injuries. The realization that the victim has a lifetime of doctor’s visits, medical care, personal care assistance and rehabilitative therapy may be hard to cope with.

The medical and personal care that’s necessary after this type of injury can be considerable. Victims may choose to seek compensation from a liable party. This can help to reduce the financial burden that a victim faces, but the claim must be filed quickly. Working with a legal representative who can get a case moving forward is beneficial for these victims.

