People pass away with little warning all the time in Missouri. Sometimes, they leave behind valuable assets and life insurance policies. Other times, they may not have prepared in advance. Their families may end up scrambling to cover end-of-life costs and recover...
Accomplished Law Firm In Clinton, Sedalia, And Warsaw, Missouri
Personal Injury
What should you know about spinal cord injuries?
A car crash is a devastating event that can result in significant effects on a victim’s life. This is particularly true if the person suffers a catastrophic injury, such as a spinal cord injury (SCI). An SCI is especially troublesome because of the potential of...
What are the long-term consequences of whiplash?
Among the common consequences of car accidents is whiplash. While this injury may initially seem minor, it can cause long-term complications that can greatly impact a person’s quality of life. If you suffered from whiplash in a car accident, how can this injury impact...
Slips and falls still occur in summer
Winter has passed, and so too has the danger of slipping on icy surfaces. Nonetheless, slip-and-fall accidents still remain a hazard, even during the summer months. While the causes of slips and falls may differ during warmer periods, this doesn’t mean that accidents...
The most dangerous lake in the country is right here in Missouri
There are lakes all across the United States and many beautiful lakes here in Missouri. The biggest lakes in the country are the Great Lakes, including Lake Michigan. Many particularly large bodies of water are notorious for experiencing numerous swimmer deaths every...
Did your doctor ignore you and make a diagnostic failure?
The term medical malpractice broadly describes any actions by a licensed medical professional that deviate from established standards. Diagnostic errors and the failure to diagnose someone are among the most common types of medical malpractice in the United States....
What happens when a doctor makes a diagnostic mistake?
The basic symptoms for many medical conditions are quite similar. The common cold and lung cancer may have numerous overlapping symptoms. Someone slowly developing an autoimmune condition could easily ignore their symptoms because they are often mild at first....
Tips for gathering evidence after a car accident
If you're involved in a car accident and a loved one suffers serious injuries, you may want to gather evidence to show who was at fault in that accident. Some of this process will happen automatically, as there will be a police report detailing what the officers find...
Who can file a wrongful death lawsuit in Missouri?
Your entire family will suffer when someone dies unexpectedly. There will be the emotional pain of the loss, as well as the practical implications of their death. Those closest to the deceased party will likely require support and possibly therapy to handle their...
Common factors associated with head-on collisions
All forms of traffic accidents present a risk of injury to victims. However, head-on collisions are especially dangerous. The impact of a head-on collision is often enhanced because of the momentum with which both vehicles are moving toward each other. The...