You’re going through a divorce. Your children may be aware of what’s going to happen once the divorce process is over. You may have told them that they may be living in two homes in the future, they’ll be changing schools or they’re going to be moving. While you’ve...
Accomplished Law Firm In Clinton, Sedalia, And Warsaw, Missouri
Family Law
Is divorce in Missouri really prohibited during pregnancy?
Last summer, as Roe v. Wade was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court, the media (and social media in particular) were abuzz about laws in a handful of states, including Missouri, that prevent couples from divorcing if one spouse is pregnant. Let’s look at what...
Dividing marital assets during a Missouri divorce
If you have decided that divorce is the healthiest way forward, you’ll want to keep your eyes on your future well-being as you navigate the divorce process. When processing the hurt of a marital split, it can get very easy to become bogged down by the emotions of the...
What is a qualified domestic relations order?
When you get divorced, you may want to consider using a qualified domestic relations order. This is usually referred to as a QDRO. It’s a type of legal order that can be on file to help divide financial assets. The benefit of using a QDRO is that it can set up ways to...
Could you lose custody if you get a DWI?
Parents who have gone through a divorce and been given custody rights are often worried that they’re going to lose those rights. Having shared custody is very important to them, as they want to spend time with the children just like their co-parent. But say that you...
Is your spouse creating false debts during a divorce?
If you're going through a divorce, you know that you have to disclose all of your assets and debts to the court. The court then helps you and your spouse divide these between the two of you. One thing you may be worried about is that your spouse is going to hide...
Parenting after divorce: How to make co-parenting work
Divorce or separation under any circumstance is never a walk in the park. It does not get any easier when there are children involved. Co-parenting is an arrangement where parents who are no longer in a romantic relationship focus on the upbringing of their children....
Avoid these 3 mistakes during your child custody negotiation
No matter the circumstances of a divorce between parents, the topic of child custody tends to be highly contentious. Things usually get tougher if the parents are not getting along. However, it is important to remember that any child custody agreement you arrive at...
Gray divorce has doubled since the 1990s
In the last 30 years, the divorce rate for most Americans has fallen. For those who are 50 years of age and over, though, it has more than doubled. The common term for divorce in your 50s and onward is gray divorce, though there are also those who call it silver...
Is your prenup actually valid?
If you’re considering divorce and you have a prenuptial agreement in place, then it may give you a sense of calm. It may give you some reassurance knowing that you and your spouse have already made many critical decisions. You may feel like you don’t have to worry...